Should you invest in Axis Liquid Funds? To begin with, we need to identify if you should be investing in Liquid Funds at all. So let's take a look at the facts and figures on Axis Liquid Funds to understand if this is the right investment for you.
April 4, 2024
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Should you invest in Axis Liquid Funds? To begin with, we need to identify if you should be investing in Liquid Funds at all. This depends on whether or not you own other Liquid Funds and also on your financial goals. Are you a new investor? Not aware of your risk level or time-horizon?Speak To A Cube Wealth Coach
What Is Axis Liquid Fund Regular Growth?
Axis Liquid Funds are ideal for the short term as a low-risk investment which can potentially give better returns than your average bank account or deposit. It is highly liquid and provides a unique option to redeem your investment instantly without any fixed lock-in period.
With returns of 5.06% over the past year, Axis Liquid Fund Regular Growth has performed better than the benchmark for the liquid funds category. Since the AUM is more than ₹20000 Crs, returns tend to be marginalized.
This fund is a perfect investment for short term & regular gains.
Cube has an exclusive tie-up with WEALTH FIRST, an investment advisory firm that was founded in 2001. WF offers “Wealth Management Solutions” to High Net worth Individuals, Family Offices, Corporates, and Institutions.
A Little About Axis Liquid Fund
Mr. Devang Shah, with over 14 years of experience, has been managing this fund since the 5th of November 2012. Mr. Aditya Pagaria, with over 11 years of experience, has been managing this fund since the 13th of August 2016.
Axis Liquid Funds Regular Growth is a Debt Mutual Fund Scheme that was launched on the 9th of October 2009.
Primary Investment Objective
To allow high liquidity combined with low risk and reasonable returns through a portfolio of money market and debt securities.
Note: All facts and figures updated on 01/03/2021.
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Priya Bansal
Curious about personal finance and all things money. Can either find me reading a book or dancing to a tune.
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