Is P2P Lending The Right Investment For You?
Find out if P2P lending is right for you. Learn everything you need to know about Cube's P2P lending partner, Faircent. Understand how you can start investing in P2P by Faircent using the Cube Wealth app.
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Consumer loans via merchants is a new alternate debt investment option with great returns for the short term. With your investments via Cube in Liquiloans, companies like Upgrad, Career Launcher, Mahesh Tutorials or healthcare clinics like Lifecell, Dr. Batra, etc. will be able to offer a No-Cost EMI option to their prime customers, making it easier to sign up to their services.
In return, these companies provide a subvention i.e. provide a discount on the overall loan cost to the investors on the LiquiLoans platform for helping them convert more & more customers.
An investor/lender can make an indicative yield of up to 9.5%* annualised XIRR return without worrying about any of these details, simply by opting for the platform’s auto-invest feature to deploy your capital in these retail loans.
UPDATE: LiquiLoans is India's first Crisil Rated P2P NBFC!
Consumer loans via merchants may be suitable for investors that want great returns for the short term with medium risk. It could also be an ideal investment for parking spare cash for the short term.
Based on historical data, there is an added bonus of earning approximately 1.5 to 2x of a bank’s savings account interest. It’s a diversified investment as there is NIL exposure to the stock markets. Download the Cube Wealth app to get started.
Note: A borrower may default. However, this risk is lowered by the credit evaluation/borrower sourcing process and the fact the LiquiLoans doesn’t make any fee/income/profit until the lender makes the indicative yield as per the scheme opted. Download the Cube Wealth app to know more.
Consumer loans via merchants generate approximately up to 9.5 %* XIRR that beats bank account interest rates with ease. Download the Cube Wealth app to know more.
The indicative holding/liquidity is scheme specific. For more information, download the Cube Wealth app.
Your investment is diversified across the portfolio. Average exposure per borrower is < 1% of the overall portfolio.
The minimum additional investment amount is ₹5,000.
LiquiLoans model aligns their interest with yours and doesn’t make any fee/income/profit until you make the indicated 8-9.5%* XIRR return (as per your scheme).
Limited tenure schemes, the average scheme tenure is 12 months from date of investment.
A buyer can default and if recovery collection is unsuccessful, you may lose part or all of your initial investment.
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Liquiloans is an RBI regulated P2P NBFC. It was founded in 2018 by the highly successful Rentomojo team. Liquiloans has a strong financial pedigree and knowledge of retail loans. They are financially backed by Matrix Partners.
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Liquiloans as a platform has partnered with professional health-care, education & home decor providers to offer investor funds as retail loans to various consumers of these service providers.
People who opt to take such loans for these services are largely salaried individuals with a high credit rating, situated largely in Tier I & II cities with overall low indebtedness (save a large part of their monthly income).
They want to enjoy the convenience of a No-cost EMI loan to optimise their monthly cash flow. The loan duration can range from 3-36 months with an average of 9-12 months.
These loans are classified as subvention loans which means a 3rd party i.e. the service provider, is subsidising the interest rate. The subvention component of the loan is how you can make your profit / indicated yields.
Borrowers are vetted through a proprietary algorithm that Liquiloans have created using their unique experience gained at Rentomojo. They check:
A loan agreement and an auto-invest mandate (defining the lending criteria) is typically executed between the lender and the Liquiloans platform.
This enables the platform to facilitate the lender for all their lending requirements, i.e to source high-quality retail borrowers, provide loans, recover the same back as per schedule, etc.
The borrower also signs an agreement and a bank mandate is set up to automate the monthly EMI payment.
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Note: *The returns/yields are purely indicative & not guaranteed, however, in the past, Lenders/Investors on the LiquiLoans platform have earned an average return up to 7.5-11% XIRR depending on the schemes available/opted in the past.)
**Only available via Cube Games
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