Net Worth Calculator

Ready to grow your net worth?

What Is A Net Worth Calculator?

Calculating your net worth might seem complex to some but it’s actually quite simple. You just need to calculate the sum of all your assets and then liabilities. It can, however, be tedious to pull out a calculator, to add everything and also note it down somewhere.

This could be why a lot of people search for terms like “Net worth calculator”, “how to calculate my net worth”, “what’s my net worth” “net worth calculation formula” etc. Lucky for you, Cube Wealth’s online net worth calculator solves this problem.

It calculates the sum total of your assets and liabilities and does the math reveal your net worth. All you have to do is enter the right numbers in the given fields.

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How To Use Cube’s Net Worth Calculator

Entering the figures for each investment and liability will lead you to the total worth of all your assets & liabilities. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have investments in every asset or every liability. Cube’s online net worth calculator will ignore the empty fields.

1. Enter The Sum Of Your Investments

  1. Mutual funds
  2. Stocks
  3. Alternative assets
  4. Real estate
  5. Cash & cash equivalents

2. Enter The Sum Of Your Liabilities

  1. Monthly Subscriptions
  2. Rent payable
  3. Home Loan
  4. Personal Loan
  5. Car Loan

That’s it! Now that we’ve calculated the total assets and liabilities, your total net worth should appear at the end.

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How Do You Calculate Net Worth?

You’ll have to calculate your total liabilities and subtract them from the sum of your total assets in order to arrive at your net worth.

The simple formula for net worth is: Total Assets - Total Liabilities = Net Worth

You’ll have a negative net worth if your liabilities are more than your assets. Conversely, your net worth will be positive if your assets are more than your liabilities.

What Do You Mean By Assets?

An asset is an investment that adds positive economic value to your financial health. Assets can compound, grow, or gain value over time and as a result, fulfil or outweigh liabilities. Examples of assets include mutual funds, stocks, fixed deposits, real estate, gold, silver, cash, and more.

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What Are Known As Liabilities?

A liability is an obligation that a person owes to another person. Generally, liabilities add a deficit or negative economic value to a person’s financial health. Examples of liabilities include cash borrowings, home loans, personal loans, subscriptions, rent, and more.

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Why Calculate A Net Worth Statement?

The net worth of a person indicates their overall financial health. It is the difference between a person’s total assets and liabilities. Deficit or negative net worth would indicate a need for better financial planning.

A person with a positive net worth would be considered financially healthy. But that’s not all. It is possible to set net worth goals by age to help you stay on your toes to invest better and incur less debt.

Either way, investors would benefit from receiving and acting on quality advice from reliable industry experts like Wealth First and RIA, Rick Holbrook that an app like Cube gives you access to.

Terms To Know When Using A Net Worth Calculator

  1. Annual Asset Growth

    Annual asset growth or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) shows the compound returns generated by assets yearly.
  2. Annual Liability Growth

    Annual Liability Growth shows the rate at which your liabilities are set to grow or increase yearly.
  3. Retirement Accounts

    Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are specific to the US. In India, retirement plans include the National Pension Scheme (NPS), Pension Funds, Public Provident Fund (PPF), and other schemes that pay annuity. All of these count as assets.
  4. Home Loan Principal

    It’s the principal amount a person borrows in order to buy a home. It doesn’t include the interest charged by the lender. In the US, this is known as Home Mortgage Principal. HLP falls under liabilities.
  5. Auto Loans

    Money borrowed to buy an automobile like a car, two-wheeler, etc. counts as an auto loan. Auto loans fall under liabilities.
  6. Student Loans

    A student loan or education loan is generally a borrowed amount that’s used to pay college fees, tuition fees, etc. It counts as a liability.
  7. Credit Card Debt

    An outstanding amount on a credit card is known as credit card debt and falls under liabilities. 
  8. Bonds

    Bonds are agreements issued by entities that borrow money to fulfil a certain need. The bonds are issued to lenders who receive periodic interest payments. The maturity date on a bond indicates the last date for paying back the sum borrowed. Bonds (for the lender) count as an asset.
  9. Stocks

    Stocks are shares or pieces of a publicly-traded company that investors can buy and sell on a stock exchange. Stocks fall under the category of assets.
  10. Jewellery

    Jewellery is an ornament that’s fashioned out of precious metals like gold and silver. It counts as an asset.
  11. Real Estate

    Real estate is property - land, apartments, buildings, etc. - that can be bought, sold, or leased. Owning real estate is an asset.

Assets That Increase Your Net Worth

  1. Market Based Investments

    Mutual funds, stocks, ETFs, and bonds have the potential to gain value over time.
  2. Non-Market Based Investments

    FDs, RDs, PPF, NSC, and other traditional securities that provide interest income also increase your net worth over time.
  3. Alternative Investments

    P2P lending, asset leasing, venture capital, private equity, and others fall under the category of alternative investments that can bump up your net worth by helping your capital grow with time.
  4. Real Estate

    Owning property like apartments, bungalows, land, and others whose value can appreciate over time can add a significant chunk of value to your net worth.
  5. Commodities

    Investing in antiques, collectables, gold, silver, and other commodities can also add value to your net worth as these investments can grow over years, decades, and even centuries.

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